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My Music Video

Sunday 30 September 2018

Post 7 My Music Video

Narrative Arc
My storyline is as follows: The opening sees my artist come home to find her boyfriend in a hot tub (presumably being unfaithful) with another women. She then tells him to 'bounce' and we see him attempt to get her back with balloons, roses and chocolates. After unsuccessfully getting her to return his calls, the ex-boyfriend cries alone. Mini is then seen carefree and moving on on the set of her new video, channeling her emotion into a DJ performance and song. Her girl gang then pick her back up, have fun with her in the hot tub and dance with her in the studio. Showing the audience the individual power women have, not allowing unfair male behaviour and building strong friendships with others.


Despite by being in a studio, I want a feeling of closeness to my artist through 'real' shots, therefore I want to do some shoots with a closed set, with either me or one other person on camera. This will enable me to perform comfortably, including winks, laughter and carefree dancing. I have recieved some lip sync tips from an industry professional that will help me. These are:
  • Learn lyrics off by heart
  • Music video shoots play the song out loud and the artist sings out loud too. This is because convincing lip syncing need to be able to see the neck muscles moving.
  • I will watch myself do this in a mirror and keep my facial expressions controlled. 
  • I want to channel the meanings of the words so when I do my lyrical analysis I will make sure to incorporate this into the actions
  • For example, when I say pronouns like ‘you’ I want to directly address the camera or point into it

Shot list - Visual references


I need to use at least two locations, for me one of these is the studio and I am utilising different lighting and performance set ups within this setting. For example, one with the DJ decks out, lit in silhouette with  a white background and another with a pink hue, pink heart shaped balloons and a close up angle. Outside of here I will use the hot tub in my back garden for those shots and a relatives hallway and front door for the shots of the male lead attempting to 'get back' the female. Having reccied these locations to check there is enough lighting and space for long shots I have created the shot lists.

4 Location set ups 
1 interior (school studio), plain white background set up with use of coloured lighting – Have already had studio training day so no need to recce – 
Bedroom interior
Want plain white walls and fairly non-descript bed for actor to sit on with blanket

2 Exterior locations
Hot Tub
Need to be careful with filming times due to natural light making hot tub lights not show up
Remove items from background to look more professional and less like a ‘normal’ household garden

Front door/Hallway
Cannot use home location as not enough natural light and hallway isn’t long enough for desired farming. Aunt's house (Park Nook Gardens, Enfield) is within reachable distance of my actors and has no cars coming past as it is a dead-end street. Therefore less noise pollution or members of the public affecting shots.
Want a house with a modern front door and facing out onto street you should be able to see other houses across the road from it. Should have a window to see outline of actor as he rings doorbell.
Shots from recce:

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