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My Music Video

Thursday 20 September 2018

Post 1: Audience

My audience as specified in the brief is a 'culturally sophisticated, 16-25 yr old, AB class demographic'

These are the four key areas I have identified in my audience, what is necessary and important to them and therefore areas/experiences I should gratify in my video
  • Likely in education, university/school/college
  • Part time jobs
  • Relationships/friendships 
  • Transition into adulthood & finding your way in the world
An artists target audience is often dictated by their label, they decide which group to market them on based on who they think they will appeal to (and generate income from) the most.

This demographic don't want sentimentality and are not as easily impressed by technological intricacy in videos due to being tech savvy.

A psychometric method of audience categorisation developed by Young and Rubicam.

A - upper middle class, higher managerial administrative, professional
B- middle class, intermediate managerial, administrative or professional
  • Lots of disposable income
  • Social media usage
  • Intertextuality will reference modern consumer tastes
  • Target audience for my video are people that enjoy dance music
Mood Board

Guidelines & Regulations

"To improve consumer awareness about the content of certain music videos, and to improve child protection online, Vevo and YouTube, working in partnership with the BBFC, are making permanent a pilot scheme to age rate all music videos by artists signed to Sony Music UK, Universal Music UK and Warner Music UK that are unsuitable for younger children (under 12s). On 18 August 2015, Government also announced that independent UK music labels will take part in a further six month phase of the pilot."

E4 & UK Tribes

The TV channel E4, targeted at my 16-25 AB demographic too has done extensive research on this demographic in order to improve programming and marketing. UK tribes is a community of more than 400 people who share views online. They do market research through surveys, interviews and video diaries and in conclusion have found 25 tribes within 5 key groups. I have decided the one that most fits my target audience would be the Aspirant group, despite my artist being within the 'leading edge' group of artists and content creators.

Dictated mainly by their aspirational lifestyle and the way in which they share it with the world, often making others envious through fronts on social media. They are up to date with cutting edge clothes, music and hot spots and being sociable and moving in the right circles is very important to them. This makes them big consumers, often in AB class demographics with lots of disposable income and brand loyalty is a key trait.

Trendies – my core audience

-love fashion

-focus on ‘brand-me’

-lean towards instagram, vlogging

Vloggers – secondary audience

Sharing their attitudes, vlaues and beliefs through online presences, though not necessarily creating content, more reblogging etc.

Reference to the tumblr generation

Other aspirants:

  • New casuals
  • Hypebeasts
  • Hipsters

Students contribute an estimated £20 billion to the UK economy per year

Culturally sophisticated people want products that adhere to a high standard

They are some of the largest media consumers so intertextuality is important to them, they recognise familiar tropes from tv shows, music and social media content

Wide range of interests from sport, gaming, fashion

Geo demographics, the generation is everywhere, many could be in university to close to university cities

Want to see the generation positively and accurately represented, often given a negative media portrayal outside of the demographic

A report by Demos in 2014 found 80% of young people believe this generation is more concerned with social issues than previous ones. This is also how I hope to generate a response in my adverts by challenging social issues like gender stereotypes and peer approval.

"Many of
the Tribes follow their favourite artists on YouTube and Facebook to keep up to date with new releases, collaborations, tour dates and music videos in order to stay in the loop with the latest music. They also use Instagram, Twitter and Snapchat to keep up with the day to day to lives of the artists they follow and reading their account bio and about me pages in order to get to know them better."
Uses and Gratifications Theory

Audiences make choices about what they consumed with growing technological change. They were less of a passive mass and instead chose media outlets that provided functions for both individuals and society as a whole. The theorist Lasswell has suggested four functions:

Want of surveillance of wider society, things they do not know about, issues and events they was exposure to

Correlation - notably fan bases, to confirm values, attitudes and beliefs and share in those they already have

Entertainment - e.g. comedy shows, reality TV, game shows

Cultural Transmission - experiences learning e.g. documentaries

As new media forms have emerged, Blumer and Katz have expanded this theory, suggesting the following uses and gratifications for audiences:

  • Diversion
  • Personal relationships and emotional interaction
  • Personal Identity
  • Surveillance
I therefore need to make sure that in order to create a relatable and accessible artist, video and website I need to gratify what audiences/fans want.

Audience Research
I identified two key members of my target audience, Hattie and Rick and asked them questions relevant to their values attitudes and beliefs and how this dictates what music videos fulfill their needs and gratifications.

Rick Jones, 19, University of Warwick student
What do you feel is important to your generation?
I think now more than ever, politics and the world around us is making the youth wake up and want to take responsibility for it.

What's your favourite music video and why?
Pulp, Common People, mainly because I love the song and I like the way the video describes the story of the lyrics

What brands/styles speak to you the most?
I don't really follow high fashion because its so expensive! But I usually get my stuff from vintage/retro shops and I go for mainstream brands like Adidas and Nike.

What are your hobbies/things you spend your money on?
Right now I'm at Uni, so all my student loan is spent on rent and food. Extra money I have goes on nights out in Warwick and the occasional item of clothing.

What dance music do you listen to?
I love techno and I went to dimensions festival this year which was perfect and I really got my fix, I don't think in the UK there's as much variety of techno events and widespread appreciation of it as a genre.

Hattie Palmer Noon, 16, Marylebone school student

What do you feel is important to your generation?
Expressing your individuality because quite often older generations make assumptions about young people that are collective and unfair.

What's your favourite music video and why?
Dua Lipa New Rules, I love the outfits, colour scheme and obviously the song itself.

What brands/styles speak to you the most?
I always like looking for second-hand designer clothes from places like Depop, Rokit and Ebay. I love 70's inspired clothing, like flares and statement jewellery at the moment but my tastes are constantly shifting. I usually use celebrity instagrams to find the latest trends, people like Lily Allen and Anne-Marie.

What are your hobbies/ things you spend money on?
Food! I go out for dinner a lot with my friends to places like Wagamamas. I also like cooking at home and the shared experiences of eating together and feeling like you've made it yourself. In terms of hobbies I do lots of extra curricular stuff like model United Nations and dance.

What dance music do you listen to?
I love disco, songs like 'Groove is in the heart' by Dee-lite, Donna Summer and Chaka Khan. Recently I've been getting more into Drum and Bass and Garage though because I stream more independent artists through Soundcloud.

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