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Thursday 11 January 2018

4. What I have learnt about the content and appeal of TV adverts and how I intend to demonstrate this knowledge and understanding in my production in order to communicate successfully with the target audience.

This theory focuses on the consumer and what they actually do with the media they are presented with, there are four parts to it:
Identify - Audiences enjoy empathising or relating to the media they consume. Reality TV shows like Made in Chelsea or lifestyle magazines like Heat, show people the celebrities they aspire to be while also allowing them to personally identify with the social groups, problems and content they consume.

Educate - Audiences want to be informed and educated by the media they consume. An example of this would be watching a documentary like Blue Planet or reading a newspaper like the Guardian.This allows us to become more knowledgeable about whats going on in the world and topics we didn't previously know about

Entertain - We consume media to escape from our mundane, everyday lives. For example a fantasy film like Lord of the Rings or a reading a book like Harry Potter allows us to be diverted from reality for a while.

Social interaction - Some media forms aim to generate an immediate and sociable response from their audiences. Big Brother allows users to vote and actively take part in the show. Social media allows people to share there views and experiences instantly.

Marketing terms  - As specified in the brief we have a particular target audience we are trying to reach out to in our adverts. This can be divided into three categories:
DEMOGRPAHICS - who your buyer is, this is based on things like age, gender, income, education, occupation. For me this is 16-25 years old, Male and Female
From this age group, largely made up of students or low level workers, I can assume income will be fairly low. Occupations will either be part time jobs in retail/babysitting/tutoring o entry level jobs for university graduates. However, unlike other generations, millennial have had much larger access to higher education and a wide range of social knowledge too. Therefore my target audience will likely care lots about social issues, I can tie this into ideas about gender and equality I hope to use in my ad.

The Millennial generation is obsessed by being up to date, with the rise of social media and on demand services. At a younger age, generations are more inclined to peer pressure and approval, and like to buy things to feel like they are part of a club or collective identity.

GEODEMOGRAPHICS - where they live/buy

This focuses on what kind of areas and regions of the UK are being targeted and what there general views and characteristics. The channel E4 reaches the whole of the UK so uses a variety of TV shows in different areas, for example Made in Chelsea in London and Skins is set in Bristol. This is useful because it means I don't have to adhere to any particular regional views. In acordance with the ASA guidelines I also havent included any political or moral views that could cause debate among audiences.

E4 Audience - Tailored to 16-34 year olds
The channel was launched as a youth version of channel 4. They pioneered linking TV with social media an the internet by streaming things live and setting up many accounts that fans were encouraged to use. They rely largely on advertising for there funding. The receive a very large share of the 16-34 demographic, at highs of 5.5% in 2016 which was the highest of any digital channel.

Target Audience Grouping System (TAGS) is a method of categorisation specifically developed for advertising. From looking at the criteria, my target audience fits into the 'Young Hopefuls' category. This constitutes 15-24 year olds, they are low income, but high level media consumers. Between my adverts airing times of 7-9pm, is the primary time that this audience sits down to watch, having come home from school/uni/work, but not staying up too late. The content should be light and comedic, but this is also an inquisitive generation who wants to be informed as well as entertained.

Broadcasters' Audience Research Board (BARB) - They deliver the audience data figures - they cover, who, what, when, where and how people watch things. To do this they use over 1000 households to get an idea of the answers to these questions to represent the whole country. They can see trends in services like Netflix or how we watch like tablets and phones.

These are the viweing figures for the last week on E4.

Most watched programmes are The Inbetweeners and The Big Bang Theory
Here are some examples of the most popular programmes on E4, their synopsese and what I have taken away about the kind of audience I need to cater to.

Glee "Optimistic teacher Will Schuester heads up McKinley High School's glee club -- New Directions -- a place where ambitious and talented students can find strength, acceptance and their voice. As the students find themselves, they also enjoy a respite from the harsh realities of life. Mr. Schuester hopes to help the kids in every way he can, and also dreams of taking the group to nationals. As Schuester and the glee club pursue their goal, they face opposition from a conniving cheerleading coach, Sue Sylvester, who tries to sabotage the group at every turn."

A clear emphasis on high school/youth-ideas about fitting in/being who you are- Growing up, realising your dreams.

The Big Bang theory -"best friends and roommates Leonard and Sheldon, physicists who work at the California Institute of Technology, may be able to tell everybody more than they want to know about quantum physics, but getting through most basic social situations, especially ones involving women, totally baffles them. How lucky, then, that babe-alicious waitress/aspiring actress Penny moves in next door. Frequently seen hanging out with Leonard and Sheldon are friends and fellow Caltech scientists Wolowitz and Koothrappali. Will worlds collide? Does Einstein theorize in the woods?"

-Fitting in as an outsider
  -A world people don't know much about

Made In Chelsea - "Lives and loves of a group of twenty-somethings who live in and around London's exclusive postcodes.This series includes Spencer Matthews and Funda's turbulent relationship come to an end after his childhood sweetheart Caggie comes back into his life, Hugo Taylor being torn between two women; Millie and Rosie, and best friends Francis and Fredrik both realising they've fallen for the same girl. It also features the breakdown of Ollie and Gabriella's relationship as he eventually has the courage to come out as bisexual."

-Gossip, scandal-Lifestyle emphasis-Escapism into an unrealistic world (despite being 'reality TV')

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