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My Music Video

Thursday 9 November 2017

My Breakfast Show Segment

1. Did you fulfill all the content requirements; both in terms of including all the correct features as well as the actual choices made?

We fulfilled all the criteria, the jingles, celebrity gamble feature, tracks, news report and celebrity guest promo. In doing these we aimed to add our own personal flare, as the radio 1 dj's do and also make choices similar to the ones the breakfast show would chose - particularly in terms of music, jokes and news features.

2. Have you nailed the conventions and style of Nick Grimshaw and the Radio1 Breakfast Show?

In terms of chat, we tried to create the light hearted, friendly style chat of the breakfast show. We kept our tones chirpy and upbeat and used direct address to involve the audience and create a more personal feel. For music, we used tracks that are currently in the charts and recently released to fit in with the aim for youth aimed, new and emerging music. We also finished our show with a track from Mabel, an emerging UK artist, to help achieve the aim of showcasing British talent that the show has. In celebrity gamble, we made small jokes at the expense of the celebrities keeping them mildly offensive and fun like Nick Grimshaw does. We chose news stories and slang that we thought would appeal to the target 15-29 year old audience. Also, we included klaxon noises that Nick Grimshaw often uses in the show and time checks that add to the "wake up" feel of the programme. We kept most of the show centred on the music, as they aim to do, discussing charts and artist news during the show.

3. How well did you manage running order/timings?
In a time limit of three minutes, our breakfast show ended up 2mins 54seconds, which overall we were pleased with as we managed this without any awkward pauses which would've increased our time otherwise. In terms of running order, all the transitions were smooth and we took care to have all the tracks we were playing lined up and ready to go. The use of the jingles helped to structure and break up the different segments whilst allowing us to have a break between speaking and think about what we would say next. The running order fit with the template we were given and we tried to stick to the allotted time for each segment.

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