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Thursday 21 December 2017

News Task

1.Explain you role/responsibility within the team and the task. What were you required to do?

As part of the editorial team, my role was within the home page of the Mirror Online. I had to find pictures, headlines and section links for two news stories; Meghan Markle's american wedding theme and the freak weather in the UK. I also needed to provide the skin that went on the background of the webpage.

2. For one media form, describe the codes and conventions you chose to follow and explain their intended impact.

For the article titles, I tried to keep in the style of the mirror online by using puns and punchy lines such as "The american dream wedding" and "ice attacks". The usual attempt to be dramatic and add either scandal or humor to an article was what I tried to convey.

3.Explain how your choices reflect the real newspapers values and target audience

My choice of skin was a coca cola advert, displaying their newest products CokeZero and CokeLife. I chose this because as a mainstream newspaper, the ad would appeal to their middle age demographic (the chief shoppers in the household) and also the younger generations who would be more likely to consume fizzy drinks. The CDE readership also means that the readers would likely have less disposable income, and so would be more responsive to a cheap product.

4.Explain how your team adapted the news across the three different media forms an the reasons behind your decisions.

We knew that online would have minimal text, as it usually requires you to click on the article to read it. We knew for the print version there would be more copy on the front page, so tried to include that. For the social media, the emphasis for Instagram is more on the image itself, as its audience is more aesthetically focused

5. In hindsight, s there anything about your teams outcomes that you would adapt or improve?

I think overall as a team we worked really well and didn't have any problems communicating. Personally, in the online section i think we should've been more careful with measurements of pictures when printing out as we had some blank space around some of the writing which looked unprofessional. I also think we needed to be more aware of the colour scheme as a whole rather than our individual sections, keeping in my the red masthead and left wing (red) outlook and coordinating the colours more with that.

1 comment:

  1. An adequate response to the set questions. Good understanding of audience and the connection between the platforms demonstrated. EBI would be political context (this was essential for the higher assessment category) when considering story choice, angle etc.
