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My Music Video

Friday 2 November 2018

Post 10: Reflections on outcomes/ Target audience responses

First edit/rough cut
Initially, my narrative was split across the three verses of my video. I realised that this could leave the choruses lacking in interest and also the storyline not very clear. After a discussion, I was advised early on to place all my narrative at the beginning of the track and then change locations for each verse, going from studio to hot tub and therefore showing a reclamation of the male dominated spaces seen in the opening verse.

Peer Assessment
Good use of colour and narrative was clear and obvious but they thought that editing on the final chorus and largest beat drop needs to be more fast paced. For the instagram, I would benefit from adding more posts and with a wider variety, like pictures from concerts or fan meet and greets. Interview is very believable and gratifies fan needs with the kind of questions I've asked.

Praised on female representations, male peers felt there was a fairly biased male representation as useless/mean but can respect that in a post-feminist world this is necessary in making an ironic point.

Link on one of my tweets ins't working. I also need to include references to my video production company and universal music with copyright signs (as conventionally seen on artist sites). I also need more immediacy value, e.g. what's happening right now, make advert for women's march linked and include a picture to communicate attitudes values and beliefs

29th Oct

Homepage - Need to add buttons to banner and remove blank space near top
News - Re-crop buffalo logo with smoother edges to make it look more professional. Image of shoe needs to be changed to one where we can better see the product. Also, relink the enter now button away from an email as outdated mode of communication

Video edit going well, needs grading and lip sync is off in two places. A couple of shots go on slightly too long and so don't fit with the fast paced, disjunctive editing style I'm going for. Might work to slice two subsequent shots and position them in middle of one.

19th Oct Website feedback

Colour scheme in some places can be an eyesore, when pink is set on blue or vice versa. Maybe link instagram to name to reinforce to fans where to find you, at the moment block images aren't clearly social media based.

Finished product personal responses

I am pleased with the overall outcome of my website and realise now that following convention in this product is much more expected. People need to know exactly what they're getting when they go online e.g. buying music, updating on news. In hindsight, I would've spent more time on graphics, adding cartoons and gifs cross-production instead of just a colour scheme and logo.

I am happy with the fact audience responses have clearly understood the messages and point of my video albeit at different levels of depth. Aesthetically, my artists look, costumes and makeup fit well within the track and genre. Looking back, I would've benefited from planning shots more precisely instead of being experimental on set and therefore spending more time than necessary.

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