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My Music Video

Sunday 25 March 2018

13. Closing Post

This blog is now closed.

Thank you for reading my blog, I have had a great time working on this project and I hope that comes across through my work. Everything in the project is under the label 'AS Research and Planning'.

Friday 23 March 2018

Thursday 22 March 2018

11. Production review: My production and my intended improvements

Review 1 - BLK - Advert 1
After doing a rough cut of my advert, I decided to re shoot some scenes with a slightly different story line. The idea of 'coming out' wasn't coming across clearly and there wasn't a clear sense of fun and energy which I was going for. On re shooting I decided to use dialogue to better convey the emotions and point I was making and also to change the idea of 'coming out' to going out. However this would feature both a boy and girl getting ready together, allowing the audience to fully accept that a boy could put makeup on just as a girl can.

Review 2 - Technician -  Advert 2
On doing a technical review, I was told I needed to grade my footage carefully. This was because I shot outside on a very bright but not particularly sunny day, leaving a lot of my shots very overexposed. In the final two, the can of deodorant is hard to make out so I need to up the contrast and do some colour correction either with oranges or blues.

Review 3 - DYM -  Advert 1 and 2
For advert 2, my feedback was mainly positive, the storyline was clear but it was suggested that I include some voiceover to make the decision making of the main character clearer and relate it back to the branding of the product, for example, having someone say that the boy chased after the girl because he had the confidence bestowed by wave. I am going to record this today and test it out to see if it works. For advert 1, we discussed my re shoot and made a plan of a different storyline I could sue that would better convey the message. We also decided that when I next film I should have the boy already in a full face of makeup and make my actors feel more comfortable in front of the camera to give off a more upbeat and fun vibe. Furthermore, the costumes don't make it particularly clear that the actors are getting ready for a night out, so I need to make sure they wear something bright/sparkly and convey that via their emotions.

Review 4 - Technician Advert 1
We decided that the use of colour was important in this advert, so decided to up the saturation to make the costumes and makeup pop. We also considered whether the montage of footage would look better and allow more of a storyline if some of it was put in fast motion - I am going to try this out and then decide. I was told to swap the usage shots to show a clear image of the deodorant bottle. I also decided to include more shots of the boy actor to convey the storyline better.

Review 5- DYM - Advert 1 and 2
We discussed adding sound effects into both adverts, for example spraying in one and panting in the other after the actors have stopped jogging. We decided

Review 6 - Target Audience
I used two girls and a boy ages 16-18 to represent my target audience. They thought the message was clearly conveyed and said the fun and upbeat feel allowed them to engage with the brand and the product. I was advised to change the music on my first advert as it felt too comical/jazzy. They suggested I use the same rock/pop style on both adverts to better convey the idea of a 'series'.

Review 7 - BLK - Here we discussed leaving some background noise in to create a level of atmosphere and realism to the adverts. I was also advised to swap the first and second shots round so that the audience would get a clearer picture of both actors faces and to build suspense of the fact that the friend you expect to be a girl is in fact a boy. I was advised to use some slow motion in the advert where the boy and girl bump into each other to create a more dramatic effect.

Review 8 - Technician
We adjusted the grading and sound mix levels to make sure there weren't any peaks.

Wednesday 21 March 2018

10. My planning evidence

These are my shoot itineraries.
These are my scripts

Here are the storyboards I made for both my shoots detailing the storyline, shot type and providing a guide for me to use while shooting.

Here is a large PDF document I made and gave out to my actors, it contains a location report, Prop list, risk assessment, voice over plan and a cast costume and makeup list.