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My Music Video

Friday 15 September 2017

Continuity Video

1. Explain the story of your video

We began with Abbie walking down one corridor while reading her folder and not looking where she was going. At the same time Ollie was walking down another corridor looking down at his phone. As they rounded the same corner they bumped into each other and crashed into each other. Ollie's phone fell to the floor and broke into pieces. He picked it up and then angrily shouted at Abby.

2.How did you attempt to create 'narrative flow' (continuity)?

Before we started filming we created a story board of the six shots we wanted so we could easily work out the postioning of the next shot and create a flow in the story.
We used an establishing shot of Abbie and then a reverse tracking shot of Ollie to make it clear they were both walking along corridors of the same setting.
The audience could preempt the crash as the motivation was clear (both of them were looking downwards,distracted) and the clear movement forward between shots created a match on action effect.
To create continuity we watched back over every shot of the crash and repeated the following shots a few times to ensure it flowed and looked realistic. We made sure positioning was the same in each shot so the movement looked continuous.
Oli had his hood up at the beginning and we made sure it was up in every shot so as to look realistic.

3.Did you achieve full continuity?If not, why not?

I think we achieved good continuity with the crash as we cut between the mastershot and the following mid shot of the crash smoothly. We followed the 180 and 30 degree rules so avoided losing continuity with change of viewpoint or jump shots.We could have achieved slightly more continuity in the shot with the phone on the floor, maybe some movement of feet or some dialogue to illustrate Ollie's annoyance could've helped add some more continuity.

4. In hindsight, what would you do differently to improve the narrative flow of your video and tell your story more effectively?

The first shot is very central, compared to Ollie's shot where we clearly see him moving from right to left. We should have filmed at a different angle so it would be clear that Abbie was travelling from the left to right, in order for an audience to preempt a crash.

Acting wise - the acting could have been better if Abbie had had a more convincing reaction to the crash and Ollie a more angry reaction to his broken phone

Thursday 14 September 2017

Trailer Analysis : Hostiles

Came out on the 5th of Sept 2017

Analyse Audience Appeal
·         No one is visible in the first couple of shots and we only hear a voiceover, builds anticipation
·         Voiceover is low, husky and with a serious tone, you can barely make out what they’re saying which adds mystery and drama
·         Use of little dialogue grabs attention as audience is made to analyse what they’re being shown themselves
·         Talk of God “being blind to what’s been going on” suggest terrible things happening without saying explicitly what
·         Very little plot is given away which leaves plenty of enigmas and makes you want to find out
·         Use of fade in and out of black to separate scenes creates drama and allows smooth transition
·         There is a period of 10 seconds over which quick snapshots of knives, guns, fire, fighting and a hanging body are seen –the use of timing means not much I given away but the audience wants to know how, why and who is doing these things

Genre signifiers
·         First couple of shots are silent and establish setting
·         Saloons, American flag, Wagons and porches – leads us to assume we are in the Wild West
·         Female period dress signifies it’s not a modern film
·         When we first see a character they’re wearing a cowboy hat and later men on horseback, Native Americans and use of western style action shots (reaching into holster)
·         A Native American chief is seen in traditional dress which alludes to the classic “Cowboys and Indians” theme of the genre

Character & Representation
·         We see the first two characters from behind so gives enigma codes
·         Mostly male characters
·         Main character is Christian Bale as he is given the most screen time in the trailer, seconded by Rosamund Pike
·         His character is represented as masculine and slightly moral due to his “belief in god” in a lawless place which adds depth and makes his character interesting
·         Christian Bale wears a blue velvet uniform so could be a military man
·         Rosamund Pike seemingly plays damsel as we see two close ups of her looking terrified

·         “From the director of Black Mass, Out of the furnace and Crazy heart – if you’ve seen any of these films it adds incentive to see this one
·         Use of 3 credits emphasise this directors success as they’ve made many films

·         Rosamund Pike and Christian Bale are both award winning famous actors so giving them screen time gives fans an incentive to see them – these are also not roles they typically play ·         Coming Soon flashes at end to add expectation